Your Time Is Valuable. Odds are that you have significant demands on your time. You probably have a full-time career, family responsibilities, and much more to deal with every day. Every minute you spend dealing with tenants is a minute you could have spent doing something else. Here’s an aspect to freeing up your time that’s not often mentioned, but it should be. Suppose you don’t have to answer midnight calls to fix a leaky faucet or spend a weekend running down a contractor to clean up the mess left by a fallen tree. In that case, you could be focusing on finding more investment properties to purchase, which could considerably increase your income. Investment Flexibility. If you’re like most REIs, you likely invest in properties close to where you live. This is natural but also unnecessarily limiting. There might be a great investment opportunity in a neighboring state or even across the country you would love to pursue. If you use a professional property manager, where you live is less relevant. It’s Important To Have A Buffer Between Yourself and Your Tenants. Renting out property is a business. Getting too personally involved with your tenants can cause problems. Your interests are best served by keeping your relationship with your tenants on a strictly professional level. Peace of Mind. I left the most crucial reason to hire a property manager for last. Peace of mind as an REI means that in regards to the entire property management equation – from finding tenants, to managing them, to taking care of your properties, addressing legal concerns, time management, the whole experience – you can lay your head down at night and say, “My property manager has got this.” What’s that worth? For many REIs, it makes sense to pay an excellent property management firm a fair fee in exchange for knowing that everything is being taken care of at all times. #propertymanagement #propertymanagementcompanies #propertymanagementcompany #property #propertyinvestment #propertymanager #bostonproperties #bostonrealestate #boston #massachusetts #realestateinvesting #realestateinvestor
by JP Property Management | Mar 13, 2023 | Instagram
— JP Property Management offers seamless property management services designed to help you get the most out of your real estate.
Your Time Is Valuable. Odds are that you have significant demands on your time. You probably have a full-time career, family responsibilities, and much more to deal with every day. Every minute you spend dealing with tenants is a minute you could have spent doing something else. Here’s an aspect to freeing up your time that’s not often mentioned, but it should be. Suppose you don’t have to answer midnight calls to fix a leaky faucet or spend a weekend running down a contractor to clean up the mess left by a fallen tree. In that case, you could be focusing on finding more investment properties to purchase, which could considerably increase your income.
Investment Flexibility. If you’re like most REIs, you likely invest in properties close to where you live. This is natural but also unnecessarily limiting. There might be a great investment opportunity in a neighboring state or even across the country you would love to pursue. If you use a professional property manager, where you live is less relevant.
It’s Important To Have A Buffer Between Yourself and Your Tenants. Renting out property is a business. Getting too personally involved with your tenants can cause problems. Your interests are best served by keeping your relationship with your tenants on a strictly professional level.
Peace of Mind. I left the most crucial reason to hire a property manager for last. Peace of mind as an REI means that in regards to the entire property management equation – from finding tenants, to managing them, to taking care of your properties, addressing legal concerns, time management, the whole experience – you can lay your head down at night and say, “My property manager has got this.” What’s that worth? For many REIs, it makes sense to pay an excellent property management firm a fair fee in exchange for knowing that everything is being taken care of at all times.
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